Southward Bound
We leave Portland and focus our energy on plotting cruising routes and overnight stops along the New England coast. Our plan is to get back to the Chesapeake Bay area in October and then continue south to Florida in November. Creating and executing a cruising schedule is a flexible process. It is all dependent upon what the weather brings. Plan A always includes a Plan B. Kittery/Portsmouth We stop overnight in Pepperrell Cove which is in Kittery, Maine. At the back end of Pepperrell Cove is the Chauncey Creek where we have some fantastic steamed clams. This is the only restaurant that we found in Kittery. Downtown Kittery Going up Chauncey Creek And from Kittery we dinghy up the river to check out downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire and the huge Portsmouth Navy Base. Lobster Boat versus Tanker Marblehead We spend two nights on a buoy and again experience the gracious hospitality of the Boston Yacht Club. Bo